International Activities
Between 1962 and 1987, soon after the JSFO was established, JSFO supported various international ocean research programs (e.g., Cooperative Study of the Kuroshio and Adjacent Regions, CSK; Kuroshio Expansion and Utilization Research, KER; Japan-China Joint Research Program on the Kuroshio, JRK) under IOC/UNESCO activities.
In 1964, JSFO organized the “International Indian Ocean Expedition Symposium”
After 1987, JSFO actively fostered good relations with several international research programs [e.g., Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics (GLOBEC) of the International Geosphere-Biosphere program (IGBP)] and international organizations [e.g., North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES)] related to the promotion of research through international scientific activities on fisheries oceanography. JSFO contributes to the following international activities:
- In 1998, JSFO supported the International symposium on “Ecosystem Dynamics of the Kuroshio-Oyahsio Transition Area” held in Hakodate and Mutsu, Japan.
- In 2000, JSFO co-sponsored the Japan-Korea Joint GLOBEC Workshop on “Long term Variations in the Kurohsio and East China Sea Ecosystems” held in Pusan.
- In 2000, JSFO supported the 9th PICES Annual Meeting held in Hakodate.
- In 2001, JSFO supported the “GLOBEC-SPACC workshop on the Causes and Consequences of Climate-induced Changes in Pelagic Fish Productivity in East Asia” held in Kobe.
- In 2001, JSFO supported "The 5th International Conference in the Environmental Management of Enclosed Coastal Seas (EMECS 2001)" held in Kobe and Awajishima.
- In 2011, JSFO received donations for the Great East Japan Earthquake from PICES and ICES, and established the PICES/ICES/JSFO fund for earthquake reconstructing research of fisheries oceanography. Using the fund, JSFO supported 11 scientific themes.
- In 2012, JSFO co-organized the topic session on “Effects of natural and artificial calamities on marine ecosystems and the scheme for their mitigation” at the PICES-2012 Annual Meeting held in Hiroshima. JSFO presented the results of the 11 themes of scientific research supported by the PICES/ICES/JSFO fund in this session.
- In 2017, JSFO supported the PICES/ICES symposium on “Drivers of dynamics of small pelagic fish” held in Victoria.
- In 2018, JSFO supported PICES Annual Meeting “Toward integrated understanding of ecosystem variability in the North Pacific, PICES-2018” held in Yokohama.
- In 2018, JSFO supported the Pacific Transition Area symposium on “Understanding Changes in Transition Areas of the Pacific” held in La Paz.